Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Resources Committee

Meeting to be held on 29 November 2023


Fleet Asset Management Plan 2023 - 2027

(Appendix 1 refers)


Contact for further information: Deputy Chief Fire Officer Steve Healey

Tel No. 01772 866802


Executive Summary


This refreshed Fleet Asset Management Plan (FAMP) continues to build on a structured approach to the management of operational vehicles, equipment, breathing apparatus and hydrant assets and is designed to support the delivery of the Authority’s Community Risk Management Plan and associated strategies, predominantly the response strategy.


The FAMP is key in determining strategic decisions regarding assets and defining how resources are efficiently and effectively utilised. This will ensure that Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) vehicles and equipment provide a resilient service to meet the changing needs of a modern Fire and Rescue Service and the communities it serves, in line with our Strategic Assessment of Risk.


Whilst the FAMP projects asset replacement over the next eight years, the Plan sets out capital investment requirements over the next four years and will be refreshed over that period in line with risk, to ensure it continues to accurately reflect the operating environment. This approach secures stability in capital and revenue budgets and facilitates the introduction of new technologies through a staged approach.


The FAMP also covers short to medium term business planning improvement objectives. The Service’s Fleet and Engineering Services department will continue to strive for improvement by maintaining a strong focus on customer care.




The Committee is asked to recommend to the Authority that the 2023-27 Fleet Asset Management Plan is endorsed as part of the Budget approval process in February 2024.





The FAMP is key in determining strategic decisions regarding assets and defining how resources are efficiently and effectively utilised. This will ensure that LFRSs vehicles and equipment provide a resilient service to meet the changing needs of a modern Fire and Rescue Service and the communities it serves.


Running a modern Fleet is a safety critical operation which must ensure employee and public safety. This is achieved through best practice in vehicle inspection, maintenance, operation and procurement. LFRS also ensure compliance to Department of Transport and Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) regulations on construction, use and roadworthiness.


Key projects in the 2023-27 FAMP are:



Running alongside the FAMP, Fleet and Engineering Services department also hold an improvement plan, which focuses on four key performance areas:



The above, in conjunction with the FAMP ensures that Fleet and Engineering Services continue to provide the best possible support to Service Delivery.


Business Risk


LFRS must continue to maintain a healthy replacement plan to achieve an effective response service and to maintain a robust business continuity plan.


Environmental Impact


LFRS is committed to the Green Agenda, therefore, by progressively introducing a greener, more environmentally sustainable vehicle offering (euro 6 spec) will reduce emissions and carbon footprint.


Equality and Diversity Implications




HR Implications


Fleet and Engineering Services will liaise closely with HR on changes to departmental structure employment contracts and or service provision.


Financial Implications


LFRS currently spend approximately £1.5m on vehicles and £0.5m on equipment and Breathing Apparatus assets per annum. Within the current revenue and capital budgets this plan is affordable and ensures value for money for the service. However, both revenue and capital budgets are subject to approval by the Authority annually and thus funding for this plan cannot be guaranteed but agreement of this plan sets the strategic direction for the service and allows for longer term planning.


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers




Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: N/A